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  • in reply to: Hyperlinks from UC scenario description issue #6253
    Juraj Bezdek


    … I used UC hierarchy with auto-level numbering…. to get something like this:

    UC1 – Base UseCase
    UC1.1 – Derived UseCase 1
    UC1.2 – Derived UseCase 2

    … in RTF gerenation I user this level to put IDs to them…

    … I suppose there is no option to do this in eaDocx… (Because there is no way to put some static string before prefix)…
    (I am not asking this as a feature… EA should have usable Auto name counters… but it haven’t )

    in reply to: Reletionship matrix report #6256
    Juraj Bezdek

    What I need is an option to “extract” diagrams from model. For me is filtering only by defining root package sufficient.
    My case is following:
    I have one main BPMN diagram. There are few activities. Many of them are “composite” – it means they have diagrams. (In EA, when you double click on them, they opens).

    In fact, I don’t want to print details of any activity… all importat informations are included in diagram.

    … I can also imagine a case, when some activity has some notes. This can by the case when I want to print details of the activity.

    … so I think that the best way to cover those scenarios is to add “an switch” for profile of an element, that:
    “you don’t wan’t to print the element at all, if you dont have anything to say about it”
    … I meen that :
    If is empty
    then dont print this element at all

    than I could set profile only with diagrams in summary, and switch this option on.
    In case I need to print Notes for those elements, I’ll add it into summary as an attribut.

    But this is the most complex way how to do this:)
    I thik that simply an diagram report option could be nice feature as well.

    in reply to: Hyperlinks from UC scenario description issue #6251
    Juraj Bezdek

    Sorry for that, it was my fault. I didn’t notice that these UseCases wasn’t included into my document. In RTF generation EA print these link even though. I was used to these links, so I didn’t check this .
    (Actualy I was using this “feature” … they didn’t work, but only until i finalized whole document and paste there elements from another RTF generated document)

    You obviously clean these links.

    But another question comes with this. Why (or how) can’t I print “nested UseCases” ? I meen one UseCase is “under” another in project browser.
    (As a matter of fact this is the reason why these UseCases wasn’t included into my document)

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