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  • in reply to: Lost formatting in tagged values #7471
    Kőszegi, Csaba

    At me TABs in element notes are not printed nor inline, neither in table (see attachment).

    in reply to: Lost formatting in tagged values #7468
    Kőszegi, Csaba


    Thanks for the fix, now we can use memo tagged values for what we wanted to, though it would be nicer if TAB would remain TAB instead of being replaced by 5 spaces.

    Maybe it’s my fault that I wasn’t explicit enough writing “TABs are lost everywhere at document generation”. In the attachment can be seen that TABs are missing in Notes (Description) fields too, and this hasn’t changed in the new eaDocX version.

    in reply to: Lost formatting in tagged values #7465
    Kőszegi, Csaba

    Entering TAB is not like in Excel, but it does work in EA.
    Sorry, I did not check it.

    in reply to: Lost formatting in tagged values #7464
    Kőszegi, Csaba

    Thanks for the answer. Unfortunately my problem remains unsolved.

    I made a more systematic testing and I see the following:
    1. CRLFs in tagged values appear, indeed, in table formatting, but are lost when using inline formatting.
    2. TABs can be entered on EA UI using CTRL+TAB (like in an Excel cell), (moreover LeftAlt+ can also be used to enter special characters – method accepted in MSWord too)
    3. TABs are lost everywhere at document generation
    (See screenshot with all relevant windows in first attachment)

    4. EA RTF generator replaces TABs with spaces in Description, but keeps them unchanged in tagged values (I don’t understand this difference in handling texts)
    (See same content in the EA RTF document image – second attachment)

    I agree “data needs to be cleaned before inserting into EA”, but is it really a must when extracting and putting them in a document? Shouldn’t it be possible – and easier – to leave responsibility of data content fall on user’s shoulder?

    in reply to: Lost formatting in tagged values #7462
    Kőszegi, Csaba

    I have found some similar topics:
    – Blank Space and Tabs in Description Fields (#220 and replies)
    – Text formatting lost in “Uses” column of Structure (#1509).
    It seems that this is a general, known issue (“Generator seems to be ignoring CRLFs”, “It’s my old friend, the Word HTML interface”), fixed for some columns.
    Is there a fix planned for other text type columns too?

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