Forum Replies Created
Michael Theurich
ParticipantTo shed more light onto the folder issue: I’ve just changed the permissions for ordinary users to writable. Now the complaint about missing c:program files folder is gone. BUT HELP still does not open from inside eadocx.
Michael Theurich
Participantyes, all the package names, delimited by . (dot) or :: or : . Really cool 🙂 would be the capability to discard a number of segments at the beginning, because we have e.g.:
Functional View::Static Structure::Classes::pkg1::pkg2::pkg3::Classname
and would like to show everything starting from “pkg1”. This should work for the name of the element itself as well as for the owning element.
Michael Theurich
ParticipantI have sent the requested files directly per email.
I have to add one bit of information: When I create a new document, I still get the warning/instruction to create the folder “C:Program FileseaDocX” and copy the .XML and help files into it (My installation is on D:, because as a normal I do not have write permissions in the programs folder. I have done that copying (as a local admin), but running EA I have no write access to this directory. Also, opening help from the dialogs does not work. Can the write protection be the problem??
Michael Theurich
ParticipantThank you, that solves the n/a problem. But the Parameter summary has another problem: It “eats” the last two characters of each parameters list, as in the following excerpt (attempt to show table format with fixed-space font, but the visible characters are exactly like in the Word original):
Name Parameter Summary Description
SimpleErrorHandler (in) aParent:SplitConfigManag standard CTOR, memorizes the parent manager
formatExc (in) type:String
(in) e:SAXParseExcepti
warning (in) e:SAXParseExcepti
error (in) e:SAXParseExcepti
fatalError (in) e:SAXParseExcepti
when the original code is like:
private static class SimpleErrorHandler
public SimpleErrorHandler(RulesManager aParent)
private String formatExc(String type, SAXParseException e)
public void warning(SAXParseException e) throws SAXException
public void error(SAXParseException e) throws SAXException
public void fatalError(SAXParseException e) throws SAXException
I’ve tried to generate both in draft and full mode, same result. Can this be fixed? -
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