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  • in reply to: eaDocX fails on sample project #6295
    Patrick Julian

    I uninstalled the Office 2010 trial again.
    Back with Office 2007, I could reproduce the AccessViolationException with the very same message when generating a quick Document from another package.

    Trace output from eaDocX is the following:

    [code]eaDocX Trace Information

    26.11.2012 13:41:16 – Opening QuickDocument
    26.11.2012 13:41:20 – Bookmark: Info was defined in the profile, but isn’t in the document any more. It will be deleted from the profile.
    26.11.2012 13:41:21 – Inserting document Info section
    26.11.2012 13:41:21 – Generating Quick Document
    26.11.2012 13:41:21 – Generator started: eaDocX Version
    26.11.2012 13:41:21 – Generator setting: Full
    26.11.2012 13:41:21 – Deleting existing bookmarks from document
    26.11.2012 13:41:21 – Starting generating section Section1
    26.11.2012 13:41:21 – Generating Section: Section1
    26.11.2012 13:41:21 – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, Katalogbestellung
    26.11.2012 13:41:21 – Gen>>Collection starting
    26.11.2012 13:41:21 – Gen>>GenericTable of: UseCase
    26.11.2012 13:41:22 – Gen>>Collection starting
    26.11.2012 13:41:22 – Gen>>GenericTable of: Actor
    26.11.2012 13:41:22 – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, Rqmts
    26.11.2012 13:41:22 – Gen>>CommonInlineRequirement, Der Webshop muss dem Besucher die Möglichkeit bieten, durch ein Formular im Webshop einen Print-Katalog zu bestellen.
    26.11.2012 13:41:22 – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, Tests
    26.11.2012 13:41:22 – Gen>>Collection starting
    26.11.2012 13:41:22 – Gen>>GenericTable of: UseCase stereotype: testset
    26.11.2012 13:41:22 – Gen>>Collection starting
    26.11.2012 13:41:22 – Gen>>GenericTable of: UseCase stereotype: testsuite
    26.11.2012 13:41:22 – Added Package: Katalogbestellung
    26.11.2012 13:41:22 – Section generated OK: Section1
    26.11.2012 13:41:22 – Generating cross references
    26.11.2012 13:41:22 – Finding forward refs
    26.11.2012 13:41:22 – Crossrefs>>UnloadProject erro inserting refs
    26.11.2012 13:41:29 – Generate successful
    26.11.2012 13:41:29 – Quick Document generated OK

    Again, eaDocX installation verification shows nothing unusual.

    The document is rendered but only in parts, with cryptic output like
    still left in the middle of the text and tables.

    in reply to: eaDocX fails on sample project #6294
    Patrick Julian

    Hm. In the meantime I have installed the Office 2010 trial.

    Now it only says “Failed to insert new section. Please re-start EA and eaDocX and re-load the document. If problem persists, please contact eaDocX support.”

    Additionally, in Office 2010, there is a GUI error:

    The only modification that I made to Word 2007 was to activate the display of the developer toolbar in the UI (can be done under under Word Options). I deactivated that and it had no effect so I think we can rule that out.

    Quite interestingly, after I uninstalled the Office 2010 trial and went back to Office 2007, the Installation Validation now says “High Level interface is ok”. Also the generator runs without the fatal exception.
    However, the document rendered only contains the very first page which reads “Quick Document
    Produced using eaDocX ‘Quick Document’.”
    The other sections are only visible as an entry in the preview on the left side.

    in reply to: eaDocX fails on sample project #6290
    Patrick Julian

    It is Word 2007.
    Here is a closeup:

    It says: It has been tried to read or write in protected memory. In many cases this is a hint that other memory is damaged. at Microsoft……etc


    Wow. Now it even crashed EA when I tried to generate a report from a package that contained nothing more than a diagram with a note inside. Crash signature was:

    Problemereignisname: BEX
    Anwendungsname: EA.exe
    Anwendungszeitstempel: 4e5d76b6
    Fehlermodulname: mscorwks.dll
    Fehlermodulversion: 2.0.50727.5466
    Fehlermodulzeitstempel: 503f0115
    Ausnahmeoffset: 00281ad6
    Ausnahmecode: c0000409
    Ausnahmedaten: 00000000
    Betriebsystemversion: 6.1.7601.
    Gebietsschema-ID: 1031
    Zusatzinformation 1: 5bef
    Zusatzinformation 2: 5beff8ab869867380dff161b91b6e136
    Zusatzinformation 3: 345a
    Zusatzinformation 4: 345afd4710f9bbbad21467fc58377fc6

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    • This reply was modified 12 years, 3 months ago by Patrick Julian. Reason: +crash report
    in reply to: eaDocX fails on sample project #6286
    Patrick Julian

    Here you go:

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 3 months ago by Patrick Julian. Reason: adding attachment didnt work, replaced with dropbox link
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