Forum Replies Created
Phillip Khaiat
ParticipantWhat you are looking for is in the Word File | Options | Display menu: turn off Hidden Text. You can safely leave it off in Word, and still show the section marks when opening the document in eaDocX.
Phillip Khaiat
ParticipanteaDocX will only use Word styles with no spaces in their names, and then not always reliably…
You should have no problem inserting page breaks between sections, or setting the “Page break before” option on any of the HEADINGx Word styles.Phillip Khaiat
ParticipantYes – right-click on the diagram in the Preview pane, select one of the 2 “contents” Diagram Options, and check the “Print connectors as a separate list” check box.
Phillip Khaiat
ParticipantHave you checked the Word table properties/ options to see whether you are using a “preferred width” and have checked the “Automatically resize to fit contents” check box? If you are, then Word will adjust the column widths based on the table content.
Phillip Khaiat
ParticipantI have the same problem with my Thinkpad Ultrabook, running at a resolution of 2560 x 1440. The eaDocX Word document only fills about 2/3 of the Word for Windows workspace. It does make it difficult to use, even after minimizing both the Windows and Sparx EA ribbons.
Phillip Khaiat
ParticipantThis feature is available in the native EA CSV importer.
Phillip Khaiat
ParticipantNothing happens at all: no option dialogue, no effect.
Phillip Khaiat
ParticipantWell, the profiles DO update in V3.9.3.8, but sadly the diagram contents option is broken: cannot select contents with or without diagram image. So it’s back to again 🙁
Phillip Khaiat
ParticipantHave you tried using the UMLDiagram elements in EA to show the same diagram in multiple packages? The elements are hyperlinks to a single diagram image, so that you end up with a single diagram copied to multiple packages in your repository. You create them by dragging a diagram from the project browser onto a diagram window, and selecting the “Diagram Frame” option.
Sounds like that might do what you want.Phillip Khaiat
ParticipantCouldn’t upload the XML file. 🙁
Here it is as a text file.Phillip Khaiat
ParticipantFirst thing I did before reporting the problem was to create a new document and profile using the new version. B)
Profile XML from that document attached along with the document.Phillip Khaiat
ParticipantI have also made that request. In the short term, if you use a separate package for the document roles, they can be sorted by name in the project browser.
Phillip Khaiat
ParticipantJust a suggestion: would saving the profile, and loading it into a blank document not work for you? There may be an issue with element reports…
Phillip Khaiat
ParticipantWhile you are considering this for the next release, I also just noticed that I can’t access a linked document as a property of a related element, even though it is not in a table. Could you please add that in at the same time – thanks.
Phillip Khaiat
ParticipantActually you can do this easily in eaDocX with an inline profile:
- Add a table of related elements
- Pick “Any” relationship type in either direction
- Add attributes of the relationship, which includes name, description, source & target elements, etc.
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