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  • in reply to: How to hide Tagged value notes? #7852

    Many thanks !
    Works fine πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Spacing #7866

    Just to let you and me know that in above case there is a need to amend the following setting:

    Options and settings / Options for this document / Diagram settings / Word Style for Diagram Titles.

    Szymon P.

    in reply to: How to hide Tagged value notes? #7850

    Corpo Edition

    in reply to: How to not generate package name? #7827

    OK, this work but for all packages.

    So alternatively I may create my own package stereotype via MDG and then create a profile for this.

    in reply to: Customised Style for the Package Name – possible? #7832

    Dump from help:

    Heading Levels
    Word documents (in US/UK English, and possibly in other national languages) come with a built-in set of Paragraph styles called Heading 1, Heading 2 up to Heading 9.

    eaDocX will automatically use these when creating your document, but if you want to use heading levels 7 8 or 9, you need to do a little more work. (This is because the interface into Word doesn’t understand headings above 6).

    You can define you own Heading Styles for headings 7,8 and 9, and link them into eaDocX using the Inline Settings.

    This denotes that there is no way to override H1, H2 and H3 directly from eaDocX.
    Please advice.

    in reply to: Table Style does not work in Tools| Options #7840

    Correct, I want to format regular tables.
    I think I’ve found this setting. This is here:

    Tools | Options and Settings | Tables > Basic Table Settings> Word Table tyle

    Simple πŸ™‚


    in reply to: Defaultheading level configuration for the package #7792

    Please let me know the way for both. However I think that mainly for all sections.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by Szymon.
    in reply to: Defaultheading level configuration for the package #7790

    Appologies, maybe I was not prΓ©cised enough.

    My goal is to configure such setting as a defaults, so to eliminate necessity of manual work in {Preview} section, each time when I want to change heading level from H1 to H2.

    Just to allow eaDocX by default to know that H2 level should be used for top located package when the {Preview} structure is created.

    in reply to: Auto Exclusion of not named decisions #7715

    Thank you πŸ™‚

    Would you be so kind and provide an example of such script?

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Relat Matrix and repeating header on next page #7719

    The issue is closed πŸ™‚
    I have double check and it seems that “normal” tables as well as relationship matrix generated by eaDocX are able to repeat header on the next pages based on aforementioned settings in Word.

    However, there is no option to create such tables from eaDocX to remember such settings so this needs to be configured manually for every tables directly from Word. Hmm…this is not efficient but I will double check if there is option in Word to get this feature for all tables by default.


    in reply to: Auto generate profile – how to limit elements? #7691

    Well, I care about this because It could help creating the profile with limited number of elements rather than put there long list of all elements from the whole project.
    Please imagine the case that for any reason you would like to add to the document only one of packages and customise this profile. This feature will simply let the user easier find the element for which the profile will be customised. Just that so usability.

    in reply to: Importing profiles… #7694

    I understand this high level idea πŸ™‚ However I would like to know a bit more details which settings are not overridden in case when marked option is un-ticked.

    If this option does not make anything then please let me know. There is no wrong answer – just want to know practically which options could be useful.

    Thanks !
    Szymon P.

    in reply to: Auto generate profile – how to limit elements? #7689

    OK, so strictly speaking it is not possible to auto create a profile with element limited to the one selected package. eaDocX will always gather all element from the root creating the profile.

    Is that correct?

    I am just asking to be aware of the mechanism πŸ™‚

    Of course, it would be a benefit for a user to have such functionality so…I suggest to add it to the TO DO list for a one of the next releases πŸ™‚

    Szymon P.

    in reply to: Saving a copy of the profile #7697

    OK, I have clarity πŸ™‚

    How do you think then we may expect the next release: next month, end of the year, next year?

    Szymon P.

    in reply to: Auto generate profile – how to limit elements? #7687

    and the aforementioned screen…

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