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  • in reply to: Sorting across different element types #7741

    This might work:
    Stereotype all the elements to something like , then create a profile for the how you want it to print.

    in reply to: Use linked elements hyperlinking in generated doc #7275

    I have exactly the same problem, if I print “Name – hyperlinked”, I get a list of the (hyperlinked) names.
    But I want them in a table. When I check the box “inline table”, the names will appear in the table, but not as a hyperlink.

    Please help…

    in reply to: Empty menu after instalation #6750

    I reinstalled the trial which I just downloaded and the trial works now.

    in reply to: Empty menu after instalation #6749


    I downgraded my EA10 to EA9.3, uninstalled/reinstalled eadocx (trial – which I have used for 2 days), now I get this: “You will need to enter a eaDocX product key before you can use eaDocX”

    in reply to: Empty menu after instalation #6746

    I uninstalled both EA10 and EADocX.
    Then I reinstalled EA 9.3 and EaDocX

    This solved my issue, I can see the menu now.
    But I can’t use my EA10 !

    in reply to: Empty menu after instalation #6744


    GetMenuItems happens when I click eadocx from the extensions menu. Then I just get 1 white (empty) menu item.

    Checking for licence features happens when I right click in the project browser on the EadocX popup menu.

    eaDocX Trace Information

    6/09/2013 17:35:52 – Trial version – using built-in key
    6/09/2013 17:35:52 – Last sucessful call to PHServer was: 6/09/2013 10:32:57
    6/09/2013 17:35:52 – Timout value is: 4320 mins
    6/09/2013 17:35:52 – Don’t need to call PHServer- within valid time
    6/09/2013 17:35:52 – Last sucessful call to PHServer was: 6/09/2013 10:32:57
    6/09/2013 17:35:52 – Timout value is: 4320 mins
    6/09/2013 17:35:52 – Don’t need to call PHServer- within valid time
    6/09/2013 17:36:17 – eaDocX_Addin>> GetMenuItems
    6/09/2013 17:36:21 – eaDocX_Addin>> GetMenuItems
    6/09/2013 17:36:34 – Checking for licence features
    6/09/2013 17:36:50 – Checking for licence features
    6/09/2013 17:37:01 – Checking for licence features
    6/09/2013 17:37:11 – eaDocX_Addin>> GetMenuItems

    in reply to: Empty menu after instalation #6742

    Has your machine had eaDocX versions before: no
    Or older EA versions: no, only EA v10
    Or older Office versions: office 2010
    Is eaDocX in the list of Extensions: Yes (& enabled)

    It is strange that the popup menu in de project browser works, but not in the main menu.

    in reply to: Error in opening Excel Workbook #6338

    Hi Adrian,

    Changing my regional settings to English does the job. However that is not how I intend to work. I want my own regional settings.
    According to msft, the one who call Excel can specify parameters. I suppose EADocX can cll excel with the regional settings of the user iso English.

    I can get EADocX fully functional by tweaking my reg. settings.
    But when can I expect an update of EADocX ?


    in reply to: Error in opening Excel Workbook #6336

    the Multilingual User Interface Pack for your version of Office.

    You mean probably the Multilingual User Interface Pack for your version of “Windows”?

    in reply to: Error in opening Excel Workbook #6333

    Hi Adrian,

    Yes, it’s weird…certainly because MS Word does work within EA , it’s just Excell which isn’t…

    Maybe the others have the language pack installed?


    in reply to: Error in opening Excel Workbook #6331

    I do not see any excell notebook when I create a new one.
    Row ID info
    1 @ 1/01/0001 16:18:36
    2 Start of eaXL_Pane New @ 1/01/0001 16:18:36
    3 eaXL_Pane – _xlPresent @ 1/01/0001 16:18:36
    4 eaXL_Pane – _xlPresent – total procID before = 0 @ 1/01/0001 16:18:36
    5 eaXL_Pane – _xlPresent – total procID after = 2496 @ 1/01/0001 16:18:36
    6 eaXL_Pane – _xlPresent – xl application process ID = 2496 @ 1/01/0001 16:18:36
    7 Start of eaXL_Pane New @ 1/01/0001 16:18:36
    8 eaXL_Pane – _xlPresent @ 1/01/0001 16:18:36
    9 eaXL_Pane – _xlPresent – total procID before = 2496 @ 1/01/0001 16:18:36
    10 eaXL_Pane – _xlPresent – total procID after = 7916 @ 1/01/0001 16:18:36
    11 eaXL_Pane – _xlPresent – xl application process ID = 5420 @ 1/01/0001 16:18:36
    12 ID2: @ 1/01/0001 16:18:36 End of Panel Load Event
    13 ID2: @ 1/01/0001 16:18:36 XLMain Load event
    14 ID2: @ 1/01/0001 16:18:58 Create New Click Button
    15 ID2: @ 1/01/0001 16:18:58 Start Load Document
    16 @ 1/01/0001 16:18:58
    17 eaXL_Pane – start of openDocument @ 1/01/0001 16:18:58
    18 eaXL_Pane – xlApplication = Microsoft Excel @ 1/01/0001 16:18:58
    19 eaXL_Pane – Exception 0 System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80028018): Old format or invalid type library. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80028018 (TYPE_E_INVDATAREAD))
    at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbooks.Add(Object Template)
    at eaXL_ExcelTest.eaXL_Pane.openDocument(String filename) @ 1/01/0001 16:18:58
    20 ID2: @ 1/01/0001 16:18:58 End Load Document
    21 ID2: @ 1/01/0001 16:19:08 Start of Copy list view to Clipboard

    in reply to: Error in opening Excel Workbook #6329


    I can’t test it now on the Windows7 32b machine which is at work) , as I’m at home now.

    At home I have Win 7 64bit Enterprise
    EA 9,3
    Office 2007 ( 12,0,4518,1014) fully functional, no install on first run etc… so Excel is working on my home-pc

    I have exactly the same errors as I descibed.

    To answer your questions:
    1. Yes, Excel (office) is fullt installed and working.
    2, Yes, I get exactly the same errors when I try to open from the Project browser.
    3, They are not exactly the same. But they all have Win7 (32 or 64 bit ) and all Office 2007

    I think it’s best to concentrate on just one config at a time.

    Instrumentation will certainly help to pinpoint the problem. Or maybe a seperate test program ( which you could reuse for other customers ).


    in reply to: Error in opening Excel Workbook #6327

    Windows7 Enterprise SP1- 4GB – 32 bit
    Excel 2007 (12.0.6425.1000) SP2
    EA 9.3

    What I did: extensions – EADocx – EAXL – Create new workbook

    Then I get
    And the I see “screen after errors”

    Note that
    – EADocX – Word does work on this machine.
    – EaXl does not work on this machine, and does not work on 2 other of my machines ( which is very strange )


    in reply to: Error in opening Excel Workbook #6325

    I just to to the plug-in menu, select there eadocx and click on “new excel”.
    The James light be alittle different because Im not werking on my pc now and I can’t see the menu.

    Then i get aan error screen with the eadocx logo on it and it has à message “error in opening excel workbook”….

    in reply to: Crash when opening a saved document #6303

    Can you open the document OK in Word (i.e. outside of eaDocX?).
    => No the document is corrupt, when closing the window with the document in EA, I get an error (Word crashes). So probably there the document gets corrupt.

    How can I find out why word crashes?

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