Available worksheet types

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Available worksheet types

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With eaXL, you can export data from EA in lots of different ways:



To create a worksheet


Read-only or read-write

Create from Project browser.

Right-click on package/element/diagram in Project browser

Add new worksheet.

Choose 'Add Worksheet'

A Package.

Choose package

Choose EA Package, then the package

Exports all the contents of a package, and its sub-packages


Some fields read-only


eaXL will detect which sub-elements are present

Choose element

Exports the Internal requirements, constraints etc of a single element

Read only

Attributes and Methods

You can open the Attributes or methods on a single element (Class) or all of the elements in a package

Choose element

Creates a single list of all the attributes / methods


Instances - all instances under a Package

Choose Package, then Open ALL in Excel / Instances

Choose package

This makes eaXL look for not just the current Run State Variables of each instance, but the attributes of the classifier of the instance. So, if 'Customer' element has attributes of 'name' and 'address', you'll see columns in Excel where you can set the Name and Address of each instance of Customer.

read / write

Instances - all instances of an element

Choose Element, then Open in Excel / Element Instances

Choose element


Select the diagram, and choose open diagram in Excel / open diagram elements, or open diagram connectors

Choose diagram

Allows you to edit the elements in a diagram, or the connectors

read / write

See Editing Connectors


Create a new Worksheet, and choose the EA Search